Category Archives: Gifts & Gift Tax

Year-End Annual Exclusion Gifting: Basics and Benefits
Is it better to give than to receive? If you’re trying to reduce your estate tax exposure, it sure is. But before you start giving, you need to know the basic gift tax rules of the road. If your estate will be subject to estate tax under the current applicable estate tax exemptions, even… Read More »

Gift by Poetry: Followup Exclusive — The Poem
On April Fools Day I wrote Gift by Poetry: Dogged Unfairness or Poetic Justice? about a recent appellate decision involving a poetic gift of a pet dog. I received a lot of good feedback on the piece and the story was picked up by the popular Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog. I also… Read More »

Gift by Poetry: Dogged Unfairness or Poetic Justice?
In honor of April Fools Day (and National Poetry Month), today’s post reviews a new Illinois appellate court decision that seems like a spoof (or a law school exam question) — but isn’t. There are usually a handful of Illinois cases each month dealing with estate or trust issues. Many involve esoteric procedural matters… Read More »

6 Charitable Giving Internet Research Tools
Charitable giving is a wonderful way to create a legacy, not only for yourself, but also to express your values to your children and to encourage them to become better citizens. But if you’re going to donate your hard-earned resources, you want to make wise choices. Part of the process includes working with an… Read More »