Short Answers to Long-Tail Google Search Questions
Jeffrey R. Gottlieb
Posted on
June 20, 2014

Every once in awhile I check out our website’s Google Analytics page. It details things like how people find our website, what page they land on and where they are located.
In the past, I would see almost all of the search queries. Over the last year though, Google changed its privacy settings such that most searches (around 80%) show the search term as ‘not provided.’ While I can see what page the searcher landed on, I can’t see how they got there.
Some searches are just a few words — like “Illinois small estate affidavit”. Other searches are in the forms of a question. Going through the searches I found the following straightforward questions that require only short answers.
- Can a convicted felon serve as executor of a will in illinois? No.
- Can out of state resident be executor of a will in illinois if beneficiary? Yes.
- Can spouses create one inter vivos trust in illinois? Yes.
Can the grantor & trustee of a revocable trust be the same person in illinois? Yes.
Do letters of office expire? Yes (60 days after issuance in Cook County).
Do you have to file a revocable living trust in il? No.
- Does a living trust exempt you from paying illinois estate taxes? No.
- Can I get a letter of testamentary for a small estate in il? No.
- Does illinois have digital asset estate laws? No.
What amount is exempt from estate tax in illinois? $4 million
How many times do i need to publish a probate notice in il? 3.
- Does a small estate in illinois need to be filed with the court? No.
- In IL, is there a time deadline to file a formal proof of will? 42 days after opening.
I hope searchers found what they were looking for. If you have a question or might need a consultation, please feel free to contact us.